Terms of Use

Effective 10/2022
Merz Aesthetics GmbH (“Merz”, “we”, “us”), Eckenheimer Landstrasse 100, 60318 Frankfurt, Germany, operates the website www.patientinfo.merzaesthetics.com (the „Website“). These Terms of Use apply to you (“User”) and your use of the Website. In these Terms of Use “Merz”/“we”/“us” and "User"/“you” is jointly also referred to as the “Parties”. This Website serves the purpose of providing access to electronic versions of the Patient Information of the Merz Aesthetics product portfolio. In countries where applicable this Website serves as an additional service to the obligatory provision of the Patient Information as a paper form version in accordance with local laws and regulations. For the most recent version of the patient information please always refer to this Website. In case of questions regarding the respective product (a) as a patient, please refer to your treating practitioner, (b) as a health care professional, please refer to your local sales representative.

Third-Party Content
The Website may contain links to websites of the Merz Group and/or of other third-party entities or may offer access to third party content of the Merz Group and/or of other third parties. We assume no liability in this respect.

We are solely liable in accordance with statutory law (a) for damages arising as result of an injury to life, limb and/or health; (b) in case of intent; (c) in case of gross negligence; and/or (d) in case we are in breach of the requirements of the German Product Liability Act.

Change of Terms of Use
A current version of these Terms of Use will always be available on the Website, identified at the top of the page by its effective date. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at any time. 

This Terms of Use contain the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the matters contained herein. In the event of any provisions of this Terms of Use being or becoming ineffective or of any omission being discovered, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not thereby be affected. In place of the ineffective provisions or for the purpose of rectifying the omission a reasonable arrangement shall operate being the nearest legally possible approach to that which the Parties hereto desired or would have desired in consideration of the spirit and object of this Terms of Use had they considered the point. The Parties agree that in case of any inconsistencies or differences, regarding the interpretation of any term or wording in this Terms of Use the interpretation according to the German meaning shall prevail.

Applicable Law
This Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany without reference to conflict of laws principles. The venue for all disputes arising from this Terms of Use shall be Frankfurt am Main, Germany.